Exploring the Positive and Negative Roles of Mentoring on Improving Knowledge Sharing: Barriers and Solutions
Subject Areas :
Aryan gholipour
seyed Javad Mousavi
Mohammad hashemi
1 - مدیریت
2 - University of Tehran
3 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Mentoring Knowledge Sharing Staff Turnover,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to explore the positive and negative roles of mentoring on improving knowledge sharing. High turnover rate of talented and experienced employees in this industry are seen due to the fierce competition between active companies in the capital market industry. Thus, we suggest mentoring to keep and share knowledge in company before they intend to quit. The statistical society of the research is experienced employees and human resource specialists in Amin Tamin Sarmayeh, Lotos Parsian, and Melat bank who were aware of the subject. In addition, the sample was selected using snowball sampling. Qualitative research method is used and we used interview to data collecting. Theme analysis is used to data anlyzing. Generally, the purpose of this research is to answer to three questions: 1. what are the barriers of sharing knowledge? 2. What are the volunteer ways to perform mentoring in company? And 3. What strategies would you recommend to prevent the mentee to quit the organization? According to the results, from the perspective of Participators, knowledge sharing barriers were divided to three parts: individual, organizational, and cultural barriers. To perform mentoring, volunteer strategies in organization include three following parts: training, compensation, and appointed curator of the implementation of mentoring. To prevent the mentee to quit the organization, the strategies are divided in four parts as follows: hiring, job advantages after mentoring, branding, mentoring executive procedures.
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