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  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the transfer of learning in the in-service training courses of Education Department. Thus, the study went on to identify those training courses which failed, how this failure took place and what repercussions occurred and then to design the process of the justification model. Participants of this study consisted of those teachers who had participated in development courses. These participants were 23 teachers from Khorasan Razavi Province, selected purposefully on the basis of data saturation. This study was conducted within qualitative approach using grounded theory method. In order to gather the sine quo non data, semi-structured interviews were used. Afterwards, the interviews were recorded and transcribed. To analyze the gathered narrative data, Strauss and Corbin's method came to help. Consequently, two core phenomena, namely Learning and Learning Transfer emerged which emanated from contextual conditions such as learners, trainers, content, facilities and equipment, time and space, evaluation and feedback. These two phenomena culminated in outcomes which can be categorized as "consequences for Teachers" (such as negative attitude towards training, wastage of time, lack of quality teaching) and "Consequences for Students" (such as disorder and congestion, facing the same old stereotypical methods, lack of updated knowledge, apathy and monotony). At the end, to validate the emerged paradigm, the following criteria were applied: appropriateness (member check), comprehensiveness (member check), understanding (external audit and member check), and clarity (process description).

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Manuscript ID : 13941112154737958 Visit : 8017 Page: 1 - 10

Article Type: Original Research