Design and Simulation of an ESIW H-plane Horn Antenna with High Gain and Improved Bandwidth
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
سید حسین حقیرالسادات
محمدحسن نشاطي
1 - Ferdosi University
2 - مهندسی
Keywords: Horn antenna, substrate integrated waveguide, radiation slot, non-radiation slot, reflector plate,
Abstract :
In this paper by using the radiation slots, the half power beam width (HPBW) of the SIW horn antenna is reduced in E-plane and the radiation pattern is improved. In addition to keeping the dimensions of the structure constant, these slots can have a significant effect on the characteristics of the antenna. Also placing the reflector plate at a suitable distance from aperture and slots leads to improve side lobe levels (SLLs) and front to back ration (FTBR). Then, to improve the impedance matching and increase the bandwidth of the antenna, the dielectric of the structure is completely removed and non-radiation slots added to the upper and lower plate of the antenna. Removing the insulation, increasing the bandwidth of the antenna compared to a conventional SIW horn and adding radiation slots significantly improves the gain of the antenna. The simulation results shows that the proposed antenna in this paper covers the frequency range of 27.2 GHz to 28.3 GHz and its gain changes between 10.1 dBi to 15.3 dBi with 98% radiation efficiency in this range. Finally, in order to increase the gain of the antenna, a two-dimensional array of the proposed antenna with suitable feeding structure is designed in the H-plane.
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