A Method to Get WSN Nodes Data by Web Clients through IoT Gateway Based on CoAP Protocol
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
M. R. Nikseresht
H. Haj Seyyed Javadi
Mahdi Mollamotalebi
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3 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بوئین زهرا
Keywords: Internet of thingsCoAP6LoWPANIEEE 80.15.4multi hopenergy consumptiontraffic reductionaggregation,
Abstract :
The advancement of technology in the area of wireless sensor networks and the ability to use the Internet Protocol in small objects with limited resources (such as sensors) has changed the Internet landscape. How to communicate and how to exchange information is one of the challenges of the Internet world of things. 6LoWPAN and CoAP standards for using web protocols in low-loss and low-power sensor networks (LLNs) are presented. The 6LoWPAN / CoAP protocol stack allows access to the sensor network through web protocols. This will facilitate the development of applications on the sensor network and access to them by the Internet. Each layer stack of the 6LoWPAN / CoAP protocol imposes overhead on interchange messages, and data overload in multichannel networks exacerbates energy consumption. In this paper, a method for reducing the overhead imposed on small and medium packets in multi-step networks based on 6LoWPAN / CoAP is presented using the scheduling and aggregation of CoAP packets on sensor nodes. In order to achieve the research objectives, measures such as the classification of CoAP requests / responses in terms of network priority (maximum allowed delay detection), scheduling and aggregation of incoming messages on sensor nodes (based on the maximum allowed delay of each), and opening messages aggregated in the destination , It has been done. The evaluation results of the proposed method indicate a reduction of energy consumption and network traffic for applications such as monitoring, in multi-step networks based on the 6LoWPAN/ CoAP protocol stack.
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