Designing a model of factors affecting the success of start-up businesses using fuzzy cognitive map methodology
Subject Areas :
zeanab hosseini
seyed habibollah mirghafoori
Davood Andalib Ardakani
1 - Yazd University
2 - Yazd university
3 - Yazd University
Keywords: Start-up businessSuccess factorstechnology-drivenFuzzy cognitive mapPossible scenario analysis ,
Abstract :
Start-ups are especially important for the economy in job creation, business dynamism and creativity. it was an applied-developmental descriptive-survey study using a mixed method design (qualitative and quantitative). In this study, first, the abstract research model was designed through interviews of 34 groups (start-up success factors) in 7 categories using qualitative content analysis method and, then, to investigate the relationship between factors and determine the most likely research scenarios, a quantitative fuzzy cognitive map approach was used. The results showed that the most important category of abstract research model was the category of technological factors. On the other hand, the most probable scenario of this dimension was expression of this issue; Just having a technological idea does not guarantee the success of a start-up business because implementing the idea requires an expert (knowledge-based) team that can quickly bring the prototype to market and use business intelligence (data mining) to analyze the information obtained to increase the discovery of innovative opportunities for customers to be more successful in business. This research contributes to the further success of new technology-driven businesses by analyzing and discussing possible scenarios and providing practical suggestions.
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