The effect of risk and resources on Firm's growth strategies in high tech industries
Subject Areas :
mohsen Parsajam
Bahman Hajipour
Esmaeil Fadaei Nejad
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2 - مديريت بازرگانی دانشگاه شهيد بهشتی تهران
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Abstract :
During the last decade there was a well known strategy to support startups and enterprenuers to stabilish firms in high tech industries. despite the position of high-tech industries has been weakened especially in export share. Growth strategies utilized by high-tech firms can improve the position. Growth strategies help firms to increase their market share and sale revenues. Hence, current study aims to designate and validate growth strategies of high-tech firms. Research model has been proposed based on the extended literature, the situation of high-tech industry, and experts' views. Data is gathered by a self-administrated questionnaire and would be analyzed by structural equation modeling using SPSS 18 and LISERL 8.54. Population is managers of high-tech firms in Iran. A convenience sampling approach is employed to collect estimated sample. Data achieved from 451 respondents was analyzed. Results indicated that: 1) growth strategies of high tech firms affect their outputs, 2) resources affect growth strategies of high-tech firms, 3) multiple risks affect the utilization of resources by the high tech firms, and 4) high tech firms provide the needed resources for their growth based on the outcomes in terms of profit and/or attractiveness
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