The impact of Lifestyle portal design on the change of lifestyle
Subject Areas :
Mommad Reza Taghva
Kamran Feizi
Ali Khatami Firoozabadi
Samira Ghandchi
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
3 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
4 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Lifestyle Information Technology Communication and information Technology Portal ,
Abstract :
The emergence of information technology into human’s life, the lifestyle of human has gone through great changes and has influenced different dimensions of human life. In the meantime, as the portal is one of the most effective tools of information technology have been identified the research is going to investigating the influential of lifestyle portal design on the Human lifestyle changes. For this study, in the first Phase this research has looked into the literature of different dimensions of lifestyle and then been approved by the elite and experts of sociology science. After that, for extract of the effective variables of lifestyle portal, researcher used deep interview and understanding and also Delphi method and then these variables have been extracted by the experts of information technology. The research method is survey. The population of the research: doctorate students of Allameh Tababaei IT management, Tehran University, Master students of Khaje Nasir toosi University in IT management section and the experts in IT in some parts of Tehran. A number of 100 subjects were selected using random sampling method and the data were collected using a researcher-constructed questionnaire. The results showed that, the effect of the lifestyle portal on changing lifestyle with the certainty of 99% was approved.
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