(Recognition the components of organizational culture and its effect on the empowerment of human resources (Case Study: Mashhad Municipality
Subject Areas :
yousef ramezani
fariborz rahimnia
saeed mortazavi
gholamreza malekzadeh
1 -
2 - Ferdosi University
3 - Ferdosi University
4 - Ferdosi University
Keywords: culture, organizational culture, ethnography, empowering human resources, Mashhad Municipality.,
Abstract :
The importance of culture in the use of the ability of people in the organization is undeniable. This research is trying to true in the context of the organization in Iran, Mashhad Municipality to identify the components of organizational culture and its effect on the human resources dimension empowering human resources In this study, ethnographic is research method. In this study, by entering a local organization and means of observation and interviews was to understand the organizational culture and the analysis of 11 components, including: respect for the beliefs and religious values,adherence to accountability, formal behavior, organizational identity, physical symbols, personalized, banner honoring customers, revenue, emphasis on corporate law, resistance against foreign managers and language, in five levels artifacts (language), artifacts (symbols), artifacts (Meme), values and basic assumptions and beliefs respectively. To verify the integrity of the data in this study, the reliability, quality, reliability, functionality and portability dependence was used. In the quantitative as well as to assess the validity of the content validity and construct validity were used two methods to assess the reliability of the questionnaire was Krvnbaj alpha (organizational culture questionnaire 0/701, 0/857 empowerment questionnaire). The results indicate that a significant effect of organizational culture on human resources shows the dimensions of empowerment.
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