A Study of the Principles and Methodology of T’awil in Ibn Arabi’s Gnostic Works
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Keywords: t’awil inward Ibn Arabi allusion outward journey,
Abstract :
In spite of some disagreements, t’awil or esoteric exegesis can be considered to be Ibn Arabi’s methods of learning about the reality. This paper mainly discusses his principles and methodology in t’awil. Some of the principles dominating Ibn Arabi’s study of t’awil include obtaining interpretation from the Truth, favoring the intellect while considering it to be insufficient, emphasizing the meanings of words and structural rules underlying the formation of sentences, and paying attention to the text and outward meaning of Qur’anic verses. He maintains that t’awil is a multi-level task. For him, it only reveals one aspect of the meanings of words, and an ambiguous sentence does not lose its ambiguity through t’awil. Therefore, gnostics should always be cautious in expressing their allusions. Ibn Arabi calls this method of his and other gnostics as allusion as opposed to interpretation. While attributing this method of expression to Almighty Truth, he refers to two aspects in choosing it. He views interpretation the same as allusion form one aspect and different from it from another aspect. One of the important purposes of Ibn Arabi in t’awil is encouraging and prompting his addressees to become involved in spiritual wayfaring. Some of the other features of t’awili expressions of this prominent gnostic include stating gnostic principles and referring to Qur’anic verses, hadiths, and traditions.
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