Strategic Fit Between Innovation Strategies and the Performance of Knowledge-Based Businesses
Subject Areas : Innovation and Invention
Farshad Ghaderi
Fariborz Rahimnia
1 - Ferdosi University
2 - Ferdosi University
Abstract :
Paying attention to the position and role of knowledge-based companies in advancing the country's economic and social goals is very important. On the other hand, the issue of dynamism and market turbulence in today's markets makes it even more important to pay attention to these businesses. The knowledge-based companies are based on innovation in business. However, the turmoil in markets and competition makes it important to pay attention to the dimensions of innovation strategies in different environmental conditions, and the business of students who do not consider innovation in line with environmental conditions may fail in innovation and will not perform well. The aim of this study is to investigate the strategic relationship between innovation strategies and business performance with the role of moderating market turbulence and environmental dynamics. The statistical population of this study includes 115 knowledge-based companies in East Azerbaijan province. In order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling method was used and the hypotheses were analyzed using AMOS software. The results showed that product innovation and process strategy have a positive relationship with business performance. However, the modification test results showed that process innovation performs better in high environment dynamics and product innovation in high market turbulence.
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