Spatial Analysis of Urban Poverty in Achieving Social Justice (Cady: Neighborhood of the Area of a Tehran Municipal)
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
karamatollah ziyari
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3 - University of Tehran
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Keywords: Urban poverty Neighborhood access to urban services AHP method.,
Abstract :
This research has been conducted with the aim of urban spatial analysis of urban poverty in order to achieve social justice in the Descatsib neighborhood based on the access of residents of the neighborhood to urban services in a quantitative manner. Out of the eight indicators, access to health services, education, transportation, law enforcement, parks, facilities and equipment, religious and commercial use has been used. The present research is applied and its method is descriptive-analytic. AHP (Hierarchical Analysis) method is used for spatial analysis of urban poverty. The results of the research show that poverty is concentrated in the central and eastern parts of the neighborhood and shows a lack of uniformity in the distribution of urban public services in this neighborhood. Therefore, the findings of this study emphasize the identification of poor neighborhoods and the importance of mapping poverty maps and, on the other hand, how to access urban services at the neighborhood level.
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