The role of Egalitarianism and Hospitality on continuity of residence in Gomishan’s
Subject Areas : Islamic urbanism
Hananeh Malak Mohamadi Bidhendi
Hossein Soltanzadeh
Maryam Armaghan
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2 - Professor of the Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Center
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Keywords: Egalitarian, Egalitarianism, Hospitality, Gomishan’s Homes, Tom,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to determine the role of egalitarianism and hospitality on continuity of residence and structure in Gomishan houses. To achieve a better perception of the formation of space in Turkmen houses, social structure of this tribe should be evaluated and then, these two cultural elements, which have a profound effect on the continuity of residence in different houses from “Oy” (traditional cottage) to “Tom” (duplex wooden house), ought to be elucidated. The current research is important in terms of the fact that it defines how spaces and activities are divided in Turkmen houses in Gomishan, which had not been studied before. The present study was formulated in order to examine the role of two prominent cultural attributes, i.e. egalitarianism and hospitality, on the architecture of Gomishan houses. Theoretical principles of this research are based upon the effect of the influence of culture on the formation of houses among different tribes in the past. This study adopted a descriptive-analytical approach along with a comparative method. For this aim, social and cultural principles of Turkmen people were recognized according to library evaluation and field observations and data collection was carried out accordingly. Consequently, two main attributes of social life in this tribe, i.e. egalitarianism and hospitality, were taken into account and their effects on Turkmen architecture were evaluated. In this study, egalitarianism and hospitality were considered as independent variables and the structure of Gomisan houses was regarded as dependent variable. The results acquired from the current research revealed that the structure and space divisions in Gomishan houses are completely equal and they are directly influenced by Egalitarianism , which is rooted in their thoughts and beliefs. Furthermore, the basis of the formation of these houses was for serving guests, which is directly influenced by their hospitality.
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