Political Utilitarianism andTheo-democracy
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
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Keywords: John Stuart Mill Political utilitarianism Theo-democracy,
Abstract :
The Paper investigates an epistemological question: is political utilitarianism adoptable with Theo-democracy? To find an answer for the question, itprovidesthe reader with abrief exploration of the history of political utilitarianism. Based on it, as the second step, ittries to illustrate how political utilitarianism,especially according to John Stuart Mill’s approach,is adaptablewith the theory of Theo-democracy.The claim has been relied heavily over this judgment: Anutilitarian governmentcan be created evenwhen we accept a priority to amoral system.The paper tries to demonstratehow this epistemological judgment iscontrary to an understanding that there is no chance for adaptability between Islam and a set of moral codespresented via a taken political utility. Based on this approach, it tries to showpolitical utility is not necessarily and always an anti-religious theory.