Error Reconciliation based on Integer Linear Programming in Quantum Key Distribution
الموضوعات :zahra eskandari 1 , mohammad rezaee 2
1 - Department of computer engineering, Quchan University of Technology,iran
2 - Department of computer engineering, Quchan University of Technology,iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Key reconciliation algorithm, error correction, LDPC codes, Belief Propagation, Integer Linear Programming,
ملخص المقالة :
Quantum telecommunication has received a lot of attention today by providing unconditional security because of the inherent nature of quantum channels based on the no-cloning theorem. In this mode of communication, first, the key is sent through a quantum channel that is resistant to eavesdropping, and then secure communication is established using the exchanged key. Due to the inevitability of noise, the received key needs to be distilled. One of the vital steps in key distillation is named key reconciliation which corrects the occurred errors in the key. Different solutions have been presented for this issue, with different efficiency and success rate. One of the most notable works is LDPC decoding which has higher efficiency compared to the others, but unfortunately, this method does not work well in the codes with a high rate. In this paper, we present an approach to correct the errors in the high rate LDPC code-based reconciliation algorithm. The proposed algorithm utilizes Integer Linear Programming to model the error correction problem to an optimization problem and solve it. Testing the proposed approach through simulation, we show it has high efficiency in high rate LDPC codes as well as a higher success rate compared with the LDPC decoding method - belief propagation – in a reasonable time.
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Error Reconciliation based on Integer Linear Programming in Quantum Key Distribution
Department of Computer Engineering, Quchan University of Technology, Quchan, Iran Mohammad Rezaee Department of Computer Engineering, Quchan University of Technology, Quchan, Iran
Received: 14/Sep/2021 Revised: 24/Nov/2021 Accepted: 12/Dec/2021 |
Quantum telecommunication has received a lot of attention today by providing unconditional security because of the inherent nature of quantum channels based on the no-cloning theorem. In this mode of communication, first, the key is sent through a quantum channel that is resistant to eavesdropping, and then secure communication is established using the exchanged key. Due to the inevitability of noise, the received key needs to be distilled. One of the vital steps in key distillation is named key reconciliation which corrects the occurred errors in the key. Different solutions have been presented for this issue, with different efficiency and success rate. One of the most notable works is LDPC decoding which has higher efficiency compared to the others, but unfortunately, this method does not work well in the codes with a high rate. In this paper, we present an approach to correct the errors in the high rate LDPC code-based reconciliation algorithm. The proposed algorithm utilizes Integer Linear Programming to model the error correction problem to an optimization problem and solve it. Testing the proposed approach through simulation, we show it has high efficiency in high rate LDPC codes as well as a higher success rate compared with the LDPC decoding method - belief propagation – in a reasonable time.
Keywords: Key reconciliation algorithm; error correction; LDPC codes; Belief Propagation; Integer Linear Programming.
1- Introduction
Quantum key distribution protocols [1,2] share a secure key between two remote parties and then establish secure communication between them using two channels; quantum channel and public channel. Quantum channel is used to carry qubits which include secret key information and after the key agreement between the two parties, Alice (A) and Bob (B), they use the secret key to establish secure communication in the public channel. It is unfortunate that the key establishment process always takes along with errors because of channel noise, device imperfection [3, 4], or the presence of eavesdropper (Eve) [5]. Thus, after transmitting the key via the quantum channel, A and B use the public channel to estimate the amount of Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER) and correct errors in the key to establish symmetric key on both sides of the connection.
To do this, A send a key, and then at the side B, 1- the key bits are sifted, then 2- B estimates errors in sifted key bits, QBER, using the error estimation approaches [6-9]. Comparing the estimated QBER with a determined threshold, B decides that the channel is affected by channel or device noises or the presence of Eve. If QBER is higher than the determined threshold, because of the no-cloning theorem [10], it shows that Eve spoofs the connection and the key is not safe anymore. Otherwise, the next step is begun, 3- B uses a reconciliation algorithm [11-15,45-47] to correct the errors and then uses some privacy amplification methods [16,17] to remove the disclosed information along the reconciliation step.
Key reconciliation is important because using an efficient approach with minimum information leakage, in addition to increase secure key generation rate, it impacts on the security of the communication between two sides. The first error reconciliation was the BBBSS protocol [11] which uses some passes to exchange raw key subsets and check the parity of the blocks to determine and correct the errors in the subset. This approach was then improved by [12] as the Cascade algorithm. Other common approaches based on the BBBSS algorithm are Furukawa–Yamazaki [13] and Winnow protocol [14] which uses a Hamming code to reduce the number of errors.
Currently, LDPC (low-density parity check) [18] method has been widely used in this subject [15, 48, 49] as the Belief propagation algorithm (BP) [19], also known as sum-product algorithm, was used to correct the errors. This approach has attracted a lot of attention because it works more efficiently rather than others [20]. It should be mentioned in comparison to Cascade and Winnow, LDPC provides lower communication overhead and also it can reconcile errors at a higher rate than those.
Using artificial neural networks for error correction was introduced in [21]. The work uses the mutual synchronization of artificial neural networks to correct errors in the sifted key after the transmission in the quantum channel. Two sides create the neural networks based on the keys that they have. After the mutual learning process, they correct all errors and can use the key. But, this approach suffers from high processing time and source consumption so it has not been investigated in higher code length.
In this paper, we propose an efficient approach to reconcile errors in quantum keys distribution. As mentioned earlier, by comparing reconciliation efficiency of the three most common reconciliation algorithms, LDPC, Cascade and Winnow, it shows that the efficiency of the LDPC based reconciliation algorithm is superior to the two other in most of the QBERs. So, by considering this fact, we focus on LDPC codes approach. But as discussed later, the reconciliation based on the decoding of these codes suffers from lack of efficiency in codes with high code rate.
Indeed, the code rate has a direct influence on the amount of disclosed information in the reconciliation process. In higher rates that benefit from less leakage, LDPC approach or more specifically, BP decoding approach does not work with enough success. Focusing mentioned problem, in this paper, we decided to propose an approach to correct the errors in high rate codes. To do this we utilize Integer Linear Programming (ILP) approach.
It is noteworthy that the (Mixed) (Integer) Linear programming approaches have already been used to decoding the LDPC codes [22-25], but as it known, it is the first time that an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model is utilized to reconcile the key in Quantum key distribution and more specifically key reconciliation algorithms. Furthermore, compared to mentioned works, the way we model the problem here is completely different in the number of variables and constraints which has a direct impact on the complexity of solving the ILP problem.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows: in section 2 we review briefly the required preliminaries, LDPC coding concepts and ILP basics. In section 3, a detailed description of the proposed approach based on ILP is presented. The experimental results are evaluated, discussed and compared in section 4. Finally, section 5 concludes the work.
2- Preliminaries
In this section, we describe the basic concepts of this study. First, a brief overview of the LDPC codes is given, and then the concepts of (Mixed) (Integer) Linear Programming are discussed.
2-1- LDPC Codes
Low-density parity check (LDPC) codes were first introduced by Gallager in 1962 [18] as a method of transmitting a message over a noisy channel with error correction capability. Later, significant attentions were drawn to LDPC code due to its near-Shannon performance [26, 27]. The decoders for LDPC codes are based on Belief propagation (BP) algorithm and its variants [28-30]. However, BP decoding usually suffers from decreasing the success rate in presence of high error rates.
LDPC codes can be considered as a
-dimensional subspace of
which represented by a generator matrix
whose rows span code
and a parity check matrix
whose rows span
- i.e.,
if and only if
, where
. In LDPC codes,
are defined as the code and codeword length, correspondingly. The parameter
is as code rate in range
which defines the correcting power and efficiency.
When the sender wants to send vector through noisy channel, instead of sending raw data, to have correction chance, considering
as generator matrix, she calculates codeword
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3)
| (4) |
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |
| (8) |
| (9) |
| (10) |
| (11) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| (12) |
| (13) |
| (14) |
| (15) |
| (16) |
(17) |
Parameter | Value |
Code length | 1944 |
Code rates | 0.5, 0.6777, 0.75, 0.8333 |
QBER range | [1,1.7] |
Number of random keys | 100 |
It should be mentioned that the ILP, BP and MBP approaches were implemented in Python programming language and all the experiments were done on Intel (R) core (TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60 GHz with 16 GB memory.
4-1- Efficiency of LDPC-based Approach
As the most important factor in reconciliation algorithms, we can name reconciliation efficiency which shows the relation of the amount of information B obtains to the minimum amount of information he needs for correcting all errors that theoretically calculated. Therefore, to ensure that he can correct all errors,
must be greater than or equal to 1, i.e.
. In theory,
happens when LDPC code tends to be infinite in length and no cycles in structure, which can reach the Shannon Limit [9]. So in practice,
. The reconciliation efficiency
which implies the efficiency and security of a reconciliation strategy, is calculated as:
| (17) |
| (18) |