• فهرست مقالات Service level agreement

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - مدل معنایی مدیریت فرایندهای کسب‌وکار با موافقت‌نامه‌های سطح خدمت
        پروانه حاجی نظری
        موافقت‌نامه‌های سطح خدمت (SLA) ابزاری برای تعیین سطح کیفی خدمات بوده و امکان نظارت بر آنها را فراهم ‌می‌آورند. تمرکز این پژوهش بر روش تعریف این توافق‌نامه‌ها به نحوی است که بتوان از آنها برای ضمانت تحقق اهداف فرایندهای کسب‌وکار مبتنی بر خدمت، استفاده نمود. با این هدف، م چکیده کامل
        موافقت‌نامه‌های سطح خدمت (SLA) ابزاری برای تعیین سطح کیفی خدمات بوده و امکان نظارت بر آنها را فراهم ‌می‌آورند. تمرکز این پژوهش بر روش تعریف این توافق‌نامه‌ها به نحوی است که بتوان از آنها برای ضمانت تحقق اهداف فرایندهای کسب‌وکار مبتنی بر خدمت، استفاده نمود. با این هدف، مدلی معنایی از SLA ارایه شده که بر اساس معیارهای عملکردی و کیفی خدمات پشتیبان اجرای فرایندهای کسب‌وکار تعریف شده است. سپس بر مبنای این مدل، سیستم نظارت خودکاری طراحی شده که قابلیت مدیریت اجرای خدمات مطابق با سطح تعیین شده را داراست. با این سیستم، امکان شناسایی خودکار تخلفات و محاسبه جرایم فراهم آمده و از پیچیدگی امر نظارت کاسته می‌شود. راهکار ارایه شده به سازمان‌ها اجازه خواهد داد میزان دستیابی به اهداف کسب‌وکار را با شاخص‌های کلیدی خدماتی که فرایندها را اجرا می‌کنند، مورد ارزیابی قرار داده و رویکردهای لازم را اتخاذ نمایند. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - Embedding Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing Based on Big Bang–Big Crunch Algorithm
        Ali Ghaffari Afshin Mahdavi
        Cloud computing is becoming an important and adoptable technology for many of the organization which requires a large amount of physical tools. In this technology, services are provided and presented according to users’ requests. Due to the presence of a large number of چکیده کامل
        Cloud computing is becoming an important and adoptable technology for many of the organization which requires a large amount of physical tools. In this technology, services are provided and presented according to users’ requests. Due to the presence of a large number of data centers in cloud computing, power consumption has recently become an important issue. However, data centers hosting Cloud applications consume huge amounts of electrical energy and contributing to high operational costs to the environment. Therefore, we need Green Cloud computing solutions that can not only minimize operational costs but also reduce the environmental impact. Live migration of virtual machines and their scheduling and embedding lead to enhanced efficiency of dynamic resources. The guarantee of service quality and service reliability is an indispensable and irrevocable requirement with respect to service level agreement. Hence, providing a method for reducing costs of power consumption, data transmission, bandwidth and, also, for enhancing quality of service (QoS) in cloud computing is critical. In this paper, a Big Bang–Big Crunch (BB-BC) based algorithm for embedding virtual machines in cloud computing was proposed. We have validated our approach by conducting a performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method not only enhances service quality, thanks to the reduction of agreement violation, but also reduces power consumption. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        3 - Reallocation of Virtual Machines to Cloud Data Centers to Reduce Service Level Agreement Violation and Energy Consumption Using the FMT Method
        Hojjat Farrahi Farimani Davoud  Bahrepour Seyed Reza Kamel Tabbakh reza Ghaemi
        Due to the increased use of cloud computing services, cloud data centers are in search of solutions in order to better provide the services demanded by their users. Virtual machine consolidation is an appropriate solution to the trade-off between power consumption and s چکیده کامل
        Due to the increased use of cloud computing services, cloud data centers are in search of solutions in order to better provide the services demanded by their users. Virtual machine consolidation is an appropriate solution to the trade-off between power consumption and service level agreement violation. The present study aimed to identify low, medium, and high load identification techniques, as well as the energy consumption and SLAv to minimize. In addition to the reduced costs of cloud providers, these techniques enhance the quality of the services demanded by the users. To this end, reallocation of resources to physical hosts was performed at the medium load level using a centralized method to classify the physical hosts. In addition, quartile was applied in each medium to reduce the energy consumption parameters and violation level. The three introduced SMT - NMT and FMT methods for reallocation of resources were tested and the best results were compared with previous methods.The proposed method was evaluated using the Cloudsim software with real Planet Lab data and five times run, the simulation results confirmed the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, which tradeoff between decreased the energy consumption and service level of agreement violation (SLAv) properly. پرونده مقاله