• فهرست مقالات Relay channel

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        1 - Good Index Choosing for Polarized Relay Channel
        Hassan Tavakoli Saeid Pakravan
        The Polar coding is a method which have been proposed by Arikan and it is one of the first codes that achieve the capacity for vast numerous channels. This paper discusses relay channel polarization in order to achieve the capacity and it has been shown that polarizatio چکیده کامل
        The Polar coding is a method which have been proposed by Arikan and it is one of the first codes that achieve the capacity for vast numerous channels. This paper discusses relay channel polarization in order to achieve the capacity and it has been shown that polarization of two relay channels can be given a more achievable rate region in the general form. This method is compatible with the original vision of polarization based on the combining, splitting and polarizing of channels and it has been shown that the complexity of encoding and decoding for these codes in mentioned method are O(N log⁡〖N)〗, and also error probability for them is O(2^(〖-(N)〗^β )). Choose the best sub-channels in polarized relay channels for sending data is a big trouble in this structure. In this paper, we have been presented a new scheme for choosing a good index for sending the information bits in relay channels polarized in order to have the best performance by using sending information bits over FIF sets. پرونده مقاله