• فهرست مقالات Noise Reduction

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - Low Complexity Median Filter Hardware for Image Impulsive Noise Reduction
        Hossein Zamani HosseinAbadi samavi96 samavi96 Nader Karimi
        Median filters are commonly used for removal of the impulse noise from images. De-noising is a preliminary step in online processing of images, thus hardware implementation of median filters is of great interest. Hence, many methods, mostly based on sorting the pixels, چکیده کامل
        Median filters are commonly used for removal of the impulse noise from images. De-noising is a preliminary step in online processing of images, thus hardware implementation of median filters is of great interest. Hence, many methods, mostly based on sorting the pixels, have been developed to implement median filters. Utilizing vast amount of hardware resources and not being fast are the two main disadvantages of these methods. In this paper a method for filtering images is proposed to reduce the needed hardware elements. A modular pipelined median filter unit is first modeled and then the designed module is used in a parallel structure. Since the image is applied in rows and in a parallel manner, the amount of necessary hardware elements is reduced in comparison with other hardware implementation methods. Also, image filtering speed has increased. Implementation results show that the proposed method has advantageous speed and efficiency. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - Denoising and Enhancement Speech Signal Using Wavelet
        Meriane Brahim
        Speech enhancement aims to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech using various techniques and algorithms. The speech signal is always accompanied by background noise. The speech and communication processing systems must apply effective noise reduction techni چکیده کامل
        Speech enhancement aims to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech using various techniques and algorithms. The speech signal is always accompanied by background noise. The speech and communication processing systems must apply effective noise reduction techniques in order to extract the desired speech signal from its corrupted speech signal. In this project we study wavelet and wavelet transform, and the possibility of its employment in the processing and analysis of the speech signal in order to enhance the signal and remove noise of it. We will present different algorithms that depend on the wavelet transform and the mechanism to apply them in order to get rid of noise in the speech, and compare the results of the application of these algorithms with some traditional algorithms that are used to enhance the speech. The basic principles of the wavelike transform are presented as an alternative to the Fourier transform. Or immediate switching of the window The practical results obtained are based on processing a large database dedicated to speech bookmarks polluted with various noises in many SNRs. This article tends to be an extension of practical research to improve speech signal for hearing aid purposes. Also learn about the main frequency of letters and their uses in intelligent systems, such as voice control systems. پرونده مقاله