• فهرست مقالات Knowledge discovery

      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        1 - Analysis and Evaluation of Techniques for Myocardial Infarction Based on Genetic Algorithm and Weight by SVM
        hojatallah hamidi Atefeh Daraei
        Although decreasing rate of death in developed countries because of Myocardial Infarction, it is turned to the leading cause of death in developing countries. Data mining approaches can be utilized to predict occurrence of Myocardial Infarction. Because of the side effe چکیده کامل
        Although decreasing rate of death in developed countries because of Myocardial Infarction, it is turned to the leading cause of death in developing countries. Data mining approaches can be utilized to predict occurrence of Myocardial Infarction. Because of the side effects of using Angioplasty as main method for diagnosing Myocardial Infarction, presenting a method for diagnosing MI before occurrence seems really important. This study aim to investigate prediction models for Myocardial Infarction, by applying a feature selection model based on Wight by SVM and genetic algorithm. In our proposed method, for improving the performance of classification algorithm, a hybrid feature selection method is applied. At first stage of this method, the features are selected based on their weights, using weight by Support Vector Machine. At second stage, the selected features, are given to genetic algorithm for final selection. After selecting appropriate features, eight classification methods, include Sequential Minimal Optimization, REPTree, Multi-layer Perceptron, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbors and Bayesian Network, are applied to predict occurrence of Myocardial Infarction. Finally, the best accuracy of applied classification algorithms, have achieved by Multi-layer Perceptron and Sequential Minimal Optimization. پرونده مقاله
      • دسترسی آزاد مقاله

        2 - Confidence measure estimation for Open Information Extraction
        Vahideh Reshadat Maryam hourali Heshaam Faili
        The prior relation extraction approaches were relation-specific and supervised, yielding new instances of relations known a priori. While effective, this model is not applicable in case when the number of relations is high or where the relations are not known a priori. چکیده کامل
        The prior relation extraction approaches were relation-specific and supervised, yielding new instances of relations known a priori. While effective, this model is not applicable in case when the number of relations is high or where the relations are not known a priori. Open Information Extraction (OIE) is a relation-independent extraction paradigm designed to extract relations directly from massive and heterogeneous corpora such as Web. One of the main challenges for an Open IE system is estimating the probability that its extracted relation is correct. A confidence measure shows that how an extracted relation is a correct instance of a relation among entities. This paper proposes a new method of confidence estimation for OIE called Relation Confidence Estimator for Open Information Extraction (RCE-OIE). It investigates the incorporation of some proposed features in assigning confidence metric using logistic regression. These features consider diverse lexical, syntactic and semantic knowledge and also some extraction properties such as number of distinct documents from which extractions are drawn, number of relation arguments and their types. We implemented proposed confidence measure on the Open IE systems’ extractions and examined how it affects the performance of results. Evaluations show that incorporation of designed features is promising and the accuracy of our method is higher than the base methods while keeping almost the same performance as them. We also demonstrate how semantic information such as coherence measures can be used in feature-based confidence estimation of Open Relation Extraction (ORE) to further improve the performance. پرونده مقاله