آمونيوس هرمياس و تأثير تاريخي انديشه وي
محورهای موضوعی : اندیشههای حکمی و فلسفی ایران باستان
1 - دانشگاه شهيد بهشتي
کلید واژه: آمونيوس هرمياس شرح ارسطو سنت نوافلاطوني اسکندريه,
چکیده مقاله :
فيلسوفان نوافلاطوني علاوه بر آنکه به نظام فلسفي و الهياتي افلاطون علاقمند بودند و آثار او را شرح ميكردند، ارسطو را نيز مدنظر داشته و فلسفه و الهيات او را در کنار منطق و اخلاق مورد بررسي قرار ميدادند. اين امر سبب شد سنتي در ميان برخي از آنها در جهت هماهنگي و تطبيق آراء ارسطو بر افلاطون و نشان دادن عدم وجود ناسازگاري دروني و بيروني در اين دو فيلسوف شکل گيرد. يکي از افراد شاخص در اين حوزه، آمونيوس فرزند هرمياس بود که با وجود ناشناخته بودن، توانست تأثير فراواني در مکاتب فلسفي بعد از خود بگذارد. اين تأثير ابتدا در بين فلاسفه اسلامي بخصوص فارابي و پس از آن در بين الهيدانان مسيحي کاملاً مشهود است. در نوشتار حاضر تلاش ميشود تا اين شخصيت و برخي آراء او باجمال معرفي گردد.
Neo-Platonic philosophers, in addition to advocating Plato’s philosophical and theological school and commenting on his works, also paid attention to Aristotle and explored his philosophy and theology alongside his logic and ethics. This gave rise to the development of a tradition among some of them to try to reconcile the ideas of these two philosophers with each other and demonstrate that there is no internal and external inconsistency between them. One of the prominent philosophers involved in this practice was Ammonius, the son of Hermiae, who, in spite of his anonymity during his own time, managed to exercise a great influence over the philosophical schools which emerged after him. This influence is quite noticeable initially on Islamic philosophers, particularly on Farabi, and then on Christian theologians. This paper aims to briefly introduce his character and some of his ideas.
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ابن ابي اصيبعه، عيون الأنباء في طبقات الاطباء، شرح و تحقيق نزار رضا، بيروت، منشورات دار مکتبة الحياة، بيتا. #
فارابي، ابونصر، ماينبغي أن يقوم قبل تعلم الفلسفه ارسطو، ذيل: مبادي الفلسفه القديمه، قاهره، المكتبة السلفية، 1910.م. #
Ammonius, On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 1-8, trans. David L. Blank, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 1996. #
Ammonius, On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9 with Boethius On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9, trans. David Blank & Norman Kretzmann, preface by Sorabji, Cornell University Press, 1998. #
Ammonius, On Aristotle’s Categories, trans. S. Marc Cohen and Garreth B. Matthews, Intro. Richard Sorabji, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1991. #
Aristotle, the Complete Works of Aristotle, ed. Jonathan Barnes, vols.1-2, UK Princeton University Press, 1984. #
Barnes, Jonathan, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, vol. 13, No.3, Winter, pp. 480-483, springer(http://www.jstor.org/stable/30222165), 2007. #
Blank, Daivid, “Ammonius”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, fall, Edward N. Zalta, URL.(http://plato.stanford.sdu/fall 2014/entries/ammonius/>), 2014. #
_ Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca (= CAG), H. Diels (ed.), Berlin, 1882–1909. #
_ CAG IV 3, Ammonius in Porphyrii Isagogen sive V Voces, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1891. #
_ CAG IV 4, Ammonius in Aristotelis Categorias, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1895. On Aristotle Categories, S. M. Cohen and G. B. Matthews (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1992. #
_ CAG IV 5, Ammonius in Aristotelis De Interpretatione Commentarius, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1897, Latin translation: Commentaire sur le Peri Hermeneias d'Aristote, traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke, G. Verbeke (ed.), Louvain and Paris, 1961. On Aristotle's On Interpretation 1–8, D. Blank (trans.), London and Ithaca 1996; Ammonius. On Aristotle's On Interpretation 9: with Boethius. On Aristotle's On Interpretation 9, D. Blank (trans.) (Ammonius) and N. Kretzmann (trans.) (Boethius). London and Ithaca, 1998; Blank’s translation (slightly revised by G. Seel and J.-P. Schneider) is also found in Seel 2000. Ammonius and the Seabattle: Texts, Commentary and Essays (Peripatoi, Bd. 18), Berlin and New York, 2000. #
_ CAG IV 6, Ammonii in Aristotelis Analyticorum Priorum Librum I Commentarium, M. Wallies (ed.), Berlin, 1899. #
_ CAG VI 2, Asclepii in Aristotelis Metaphysicorum Libros A-Z Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.), Berlin, 1888. #
_ CAG XIII 1, Philoponi (Olim Ammonii) in Aristotelis Categorias Commentarium, A. Busse (ed.), Berlin, 1898. [For further details on the commentaries of Philoponus, see the entry on Philoponus.] #
_ CAG XIII 2, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Analytica Priora Commentaria, M. Wallies (ed.), Berlin, 1905. #
_ CAG XIII 3, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Analytica Posteriora Commentaria cum Anonymo in Librum II, M. Wallies (ed.), Berlin, 1909. #
_ CAG XIV 1, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Meteorologicorum Librum Primum Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.), Berlin, 1901. #
_ CAG XIV 2, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Libros De Generatione et Corruptione Commentaria, H. Vitelli (ed.), Berlin, 1897. On Aristotle On Coming-to-be and Perishing 1.1-5, C. J. F. Williams (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1999; On Aristotle On Coming-to-be and Perishing 1.6-2.4, C. J. F. Williams (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1999. #
_ CAG XV, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis De Anima Libros Commentaria, M. Hayduck (ed.), Berlin, 1897. On Aristotle On the Soul 2.1–6, W. Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 2005; On Aristotle On the soul 2.7–12, W. Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 2005; On Aristotle On the Soul 3.1–8, W. Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 2000; On Aristotle On the Intellect (de Anima 3.4–8), W. Charlton (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1991. #
_ CAG XVI-XVII, Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis Physicorum Libros I-III et V-VIII Commentaria, H. Vitelli (ed.), Berlin, 1887–8. On Aristotle Physics 2, A. R. Lacey (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1993; On Aristotle Physics 3, M. J. Edwards (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1994; On Aristotle Physics 5–8 with Simplicius, On Aristotle on the Void, P. Lettinck and J. O. Urmson (trans.), London and Ithaca, 1994. #
Hadot, Pierre, “The harmony of Plotinus and Aristotle according to Porphyry”, from Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and their Influence, ed. Richard Sorabji, cap. 6, pp. 125- 140, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1990. #
Hass, Christopher, Alexandria in Late Antiquity, Topography and Social Conflict, Boltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. #
Tarán, L., Asclepius of Tralles, Commentary to Nicomachus’ Introduction to Arithmetic, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 59: 4. Philadelphia, 1969. #
Sorabji, Richard, “The Ancient Commentators on Aristotle”, in Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and their Influence, ed. Richard Sorabji, cap.1, pp. 1-30, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1990. #
Sorabji, Richard, The Preface of Ammonius, On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9 with Boethius On Aristotle’s On Interpretation 9, trans.David Blank & Norman Kretzmann, Cornell University Press, 1998. #
Sorabji, Richard, The Introduction to Ammonius, On Aristotle Categories, trans. S. Marc Cohen and Garreth B. Matthews, Intro. Richard Sorabji, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 1991. #
Verrycken, Koenraad, “The Metaphysics of Ammonius son of Hermeias”, in Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and their Influence, ed. Richard Sorabji, cap.10, pp. 199- 232, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1990. #
Wallis, R.T., Neoplatonism, London: Duckworth, 1972. #
Wisnovsku, Robert, Avicenna’s Metaphysics in Context, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press, 2003. #
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