AI based Computational Trust Model for Intelligent Virtual Assistant
محورهای موضوعی : Machine learning
Babu Kumar
Ajay Vikram Singh
Parul Agarwal
1 - Amity university
2 - Amity university
3 - Jamia Hamdard University
کلید واژه: Artificial Intelligence, , Virtual Assistant System, , Product Quality, , Trust, , Privacy, , Security, , Voice Recognition, , Naïve Byes Classifier,
چکیده مقاله :
The Intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) also called AI assistant or digital assistant is software developed as a product by organizations like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence which works and processes on natural language commands given by humans. It helps the user to work more efficiently and also saves time. It is human friendly as it works on natural language commands given by humans. Voice-controlled Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) have seen gigantic development as of late on cell phones and as independent gadgets in individuals’ homes. The intelligent virtual assistant is very useful for illiterate and visually impaired people around the world. While research has analyzed the expected advantages and downsides of these gadgets for IVA clients, barely any investigations have exactly assessed the need of security and trust as a singular choice to use IVAs. In this proposed work, different IPA users and non-users (N=1000) are surveyed to understand and analyze the barriers and motivations to adopting IPAs and how users are concerned about data privacy and trust with respect to organizational compliances and social contract related to IPA data and how these concerns have affected the acceptance and use of IPAs. We have used Naïve Byes Classifier to compute trust in IVA devices and further evaluate probability of using different trusted IVA devices.
The Intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) also called AI assistant or digital assistant is software developed as a product by organizations like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence which works and processes on natural language commands given by humans. It helps the user to work more efficiently and also saves time. It is human friendly as it works on natural language commands given by humans. Voice-controlled Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) have seen gigantic development as of late on cell phones and as independent gadgets in individuals’ homes. The intelligent virtual assistant is very useful for illiterate and visually impaired people around the world. While research has analyzed the expected advantages and downsides of these gadgets for IVA clients, barely any investigations have exactly assessed the need of security and trust as a singular choice to use IVAs. In this proposed work, different IPA users and non-users (N=1000) are surveyed to understand and analyze the barriers and motivations to adopting IPAs and how users are concerned about data privacy and trust with respect to organizational compliances and social contract related to IPA data and how these concerns have affected the acceptance and use of IPAs. We have used Naïve Byes Classifier to compute trust in IVA devices and further evaluate probability of using different trusted IVA devices.
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