• فهرس المقالات watermarking

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - Node to Node Watermarking in Wireless Sensor Networks for Authentication of Self Nodes
        Hassan Farsi Seyed Morteza Nourian
        In order to solve some security issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), node to node authentication method based on digital watermarking technique for verification of relative nodes is proposed. In the proposed method, some algorithms with low computational for gener أکثر
        In order to solve some security issues in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), node to node authentication method based on digital watermarking technique for verification of relative nodes is proposed. In the proposed method, some algorithms with low computational for generation, embedding and detection of security ID are designed. The collected data packets by the nodes are marked using security ID. In the proposed method, header is used to mark the packets. Since the nature of the sensor networks is cooperative, using the head of the packets is proposed for authentication. Also using the marked head can prevent from sending and receiving fake data in the other nodes. Simulations have been performed in environments with imposing unrealistic data and having a probability from 1% to 10%. Comparing the proposed method with other methods shows that the proposed method in term of security, reducing traffic and increasing network lifetime is more effective. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - A New Robust Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on LWT-SVD and Fractal Images
        Fardin Akhlaghian Tab Kayvan Ghaderi پرهام مرادی
        This paper presents a robust copyright protection scheme based on Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). We have used fractal decoding to make a very compact representation of watermark image. The fractal code is presented by a binary im أکثر
        This paper presents a robust copyright protection scheme based on Lifting Wavelet Transform (LWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). We have used fractal decoding to make a very compact representation of watermark image. The fractal code is presented by a binary image. In the embedding phase of watermarking scheme, at first, we perform decomposing of the host image with 2D-LWT transform, then SVD is applied to sub-bands of the transformed image, and then the watermark, “binary image,” is embedded by modifying the singular values. In the watermark extraction phase, after the reverse steps are applied, the embedded binary image and consequently the fractal code are extracted from the watermarked image. The original watermark image is rendered by running the code. To verify the validity of the proposed watermarking scheme, several experiments are carried out and the results are compared with the results of the other algorithms. In order to evaluate the quality of image, we use parameter peak value signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). To measure the robustness of the proposed algorithm, the NC coefficient is evaluated. The experimental results indicate that, in addition to high transparency, the proposed scheme is strong enough to resist various signal processing operations, such as average filter, median filter, Jpeg compression, contrast adjustment, cropping, histogram equalization, rotation, etc. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Security Analysis of Scalar Costa Scheme Against Known Message Attack in DCT-Domain Image Watermarking
        Reza Samadi Seyed Alireza  Seyedin
        This paper proposes an accurate information-theoretic security analysis of Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS) when the SCS is employed in the embedding layer of digital image watermarking. For this purpose, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients are extracted from the cove أکثر
        This paper proposes an accurate information-theoretic security analysis of Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS) when the SCS is employed in the embedding layer of digital image watermarking. For this purpose, Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients are extracted from the cover images. Then, the SCS is used to embed watermarking messages into mid-frequency DCT coefficients. To prevent unauthorized embedding and/or decoding, the SCS codebook is randomized using the pseudorandom dither signal which plays the role of the secret key. A passive attacker applies Known Message Attack (KMA) on the watermarked messages to practically estimate the secret key. The security level is measured using residual entropy (equivocation) of the secret key provided that the attacker’s observations are available. It can be seen that the practical security level of the SCS depends on the host statistics which has contradiction with previous theoretical result. Furthermore, the practical security analysis of the SCS leads to the different values of the residual entropy in comparison with previous theoretical equation. It will be shown that these differences are mainly due to existence of uniform regions in images that cannot be captured by previous theoretical analysis. Another source of such differences is ignoring the dependencies between the observations of non-uniform regions in previous theoretical analysis. To provide an accurate reformulation, the theoretical equation for the uniform regions and the empirical equation for the non-uniform regions are proposed. Then, by combining these equations a new equation is presented for the whole image which considers both host statistics and observations dependencies. Finally, accuracy of the proposed formulations is examined through exhaustive simulations. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - A New High-Capacity Audio Watermarking Based on Wavelet Transform using the Golden Ratio and TLBO Algorithm
        Ali Zeidi joudaki Marjan Abdeyazdan Mohammad Mosleh Mohammad Kheyrandish
        Digital watermarking is one of the best solutions for copyright infringement, copying, data verification, and illegal distribution of digital media. Recently, the protection of digital audio signals has received much attention as one of the fascinating topics for resear أکثر
        Digital watermarking is one of the best solutions for copyright infringement, copying, data verification, and illegal distribution of digital media. Recently, the protection of digital audio signals has received much attention as one of the fascinating topics for researchers and scholars. In this paper, we presented a new high-capacity, clear, and robust audio signaling scheme based on the DWT conversion synergy and golden ratio advantages using the TLBO algorithm. We used the TLBO algorithm to determine the effective frame length and embedded range, and the golden ratio to determine the appropriate embedded locations for each frame. First, the main audio signal was broken down into several sub-bands using a DWT in a specific frequency range. Since the human auditory system is not sensitive to changes in high-frequency bands, to increase the clarity and capacity of these sub-bands to embed bits we used the watermark signal. Moreover, to increase the resistance to common attacks, we framed the high-frequency bandwidth and then used the average of the frames as a key value. Our main idea was to embed an 8-bit signal simultaneously in the host signal. Experimental results showed that the proposed method is free from significant noticeable distortion (SNR about 29.68dB) and increases the resistance to common signal processing attacks such as high pass filter, echo, resampling, MPEG (MP3), etc. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - طرحي مقاوم و غيركور براي درج واترمارك‌هاي به صورت طيف گسترده در حوزه تبديل موجك با استفاده از خواص بينايي
        علیرضا ذوالقدر اصلی سروش رضازاده
        در اين مقاله ما يك روش واترماركينگ مقاوم به منظور حفاظت از حق كپي تصاوير معرفي مي‌كنيم. اين روش بر مبناي اصول چندوضوحي تصوير استوار است و از تبديل موجك گسسته (DWT) استفاده مي‌كند. واترمارك مورد استفاده يك رشته از اعداد تصادفي با توزيع نرمال مي‌باشد. براي اينكه بتوانيم أکثر
        در اين مقاله ما يك روش واترماركينگ مقاوم به منظور حفاظت از حق كپي تصاوير معرفي مي‌كنيم. اين روش بر مبناي اصول چندوضوحي تصوير استوار است و از تبديل موجك گسسته (DWT) استفاده مي‌كند. واترمارك مورد استفاده يك رشته از اعداد تصادفي با توزيع نرمال مي‌باشد. براي اينكه بتوانيم واترمارك را به صورت مقاوم و غير محسوس درج كنيم مؤلفه‌هاي واترمارك، به ضرايب مهم هر زير باند كه بر اساس مشخصات سيستم بينايي انسان (HVS) تعيين شده‌اند اضافه مي‌شود. به منظور بهبود عملكرد مدل بينايي، تغييراتي بر روي آن اعمال شده است. براي عمل استخراج واترمارك تصوير اصلي واترمارك‌نشده مورد احتياج مي‌باشد. براي اندازه‌گيري شباهت واترمارك‌هاي استخراج‌شده و اصلي، از هم‌بستگي نرماليزه استفاده مي‌شود. با استفاده از شبيه‌سازي نشان داده شده است كه اين روش نسبت به انواع مختلف حملات نظير افزودن نويز، فيلترينگ پايين‌گذر، فشرده‌سازي، برش، تغيير ابعاد و تعديل هيستوگرام مقاوم مي‌باشد. مقايسه اين روش با برخي از روش‌هاي مطرح موجود بيانگر عملكرد بهتر اين روش مي‌باشد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - تشخیص و بازیابی تصاویر تحت حملات با نرخ دستکاری بالا
        فرانک توحیدی محمدرضا هوشمنداصل
        در سال‌های اخیر با رشد روزافزون فناوری‌های دیجیتال، نسخه‌برداری ‏عکس‌های دیجیتال و حتی تغییر آنها بدون افت کیفیت و ‏با هزینه اندک امکان‌‏پذیر شده است. نهان‌نگاری، یکی از روش‌های موفق تشخیص دستکاری و حتی ‏بازیابی داده‌های اصلی ‏می‌باشد؛ ولی هنوز مشکلات زیادی برای ارائه ی أکثر
        در سال‌های اخیر با رشد روزافزون فناوری‌های دیجیتال، نسخه‌برداری ‏عکس‌های دیجیتال و حتی تغییر آنها بدون افت کیفیت و ‏با هزینه اندک امکان‌‏پذیر شده است. نهان‌نگاری، یکی از روش‌های موفق تشخیص دستکاری و حتی ‏بازیابی داده‌های اصلی ‏می‌باشد؛ ولی هنوز مشکلات زیادی برای ارائه یک نهان‌نگار مناسب که قادر به تشخیص و بازیابی هر نوع دستکاری باشد، وجود ‏‏دارد. این مشکلات خصوصاً در مواردی که حملات خاص دستکاری با نرخ بالا ‏صورت می‌گیرد حادتر خواهد بود. در این مقاله ‏یک روش نهان‌نگار معرفی ‏شده که نه‌تنها قادر به تشخیص هر گونه دستکاری است، بلکه در ‏نرخ‌های بالای ‏دستکاری نیز می‌تواند داده‌های اصلی را با کیفیت بالا بازیابی کند. ‏در این مقاله برای تشخیص دستکاری از تجزیه به مؤلفه‌های ‏تکین (SVD) ‏استفاده می‌شود. همچنین نهان‌نگار برای بازیابی داده‌های از دست رفته از روش ‏مبتنی بر OIBTC استفاده ‏می‌کند. این مقاله روشی کارا برای افزایش ‏حساسیت تشخیص و در عین حال افزایش مقاومت نهان‌نگار برای بازیابی ارائه ‏‏می‌دهد. نتایج به‌دست‌آمده برتری روش پیشنهادشده را نسبت به روش‌های ‏اخیر ثابت می‌کنند.‏ تفاصيل المقالة