• فهرس المقالات Cognitive Radio Networks

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - A New Cooperative Approach for Cognitive Radio Networks with Correlated Wireless Channels
        Mehdi  Ghamari Adian حسن آقایی نیا
        An effective cooperative cognitive radio system is proposed, when the wireless channels are highly correlated. The system model consists of two multi-antenna secondary users (SU TX and SU RX), constituting the desired link and some single-antenna primary and secondary u أکثر
        An effective cooperative cognitive radio system is proposed, when the wireless channels are highly correlated. The system model consists of two multi-antenna secondary users (SU TX and SU RX), constituting the desired link and some single-antenna primary and secondary users. The objective is the maximization of the data rates of the desired SU link subject to the interference constraints on the primary users. An effective system, exploiting Transmit Beamforming (TB) at SU TX, cooperation of some single-antenna SUs and Cooperative Beamforming (CB) at them and the antenna selection at SU RX to reduce the costs associated with RF-chains at the radio front end at SU RX, is proposed. Due to the issue of MIMO channels with correlated fading, some problems arise such as inapplicability of the well-known Grassmanian Beamforming as TB scheme at SU TX. We then propose a method to overcome this problem. After formulating the problem, a novel iterative scheme is proposed to find the best TB weight vector in SU TX and best subset of antennas at SU RX, considering the correlated channel. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - Joint Relay Selection and Power Allocation in MIMO Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
        Mehdi  Ghamari Adian حسن آقایی نیا
        In this work, the issue of joint relay selection and power allocation in Underlay MIMO Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks (U-MIMO-CCRN) is addressed. The system consists of a number of secondary users (SUs) in the secondary network and a primary user (PU) in the prima أکثر
        In this work, the issue of joint relay selection and power allocation in Underlay MIMO Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks (U-MIMO-CCRN) is addressed. The system consists of a number of secondary users (SUs) in the secondary network and a primary user (PU) in the primary network. We consider the communications in the link between two selected SUs, referred to as the desired link which is enhanced using the cooperation of one of the existing SUs. The core aim of this work is to maximize the achievable data rate in the desired link, using the cooperation of one of the SUs which is chosen opportunistically out of existing SUs. Meanwhile, the interference due to the secondary transmission on the PU should not exceed the tolerable amount. The approach to determine the optimal power allocation, i.e. the optimal transmits covariance and amplification matrices of the SUs, and also the optimal cooperating SU is proposed. Since the proposed optimal approach is a highly complex method, a low complexity approach is further proposed and its performance is evaluated using simulations. The simulation results reveal that the performance loss due to the low complexity approach is only about 14%, while the complexity of the algorithm is greatly reduced. تفاصيل المقالة
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        3 - A Novel Resource Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks
        Mehdi Ghamari Adian
        In cognitive radio networks (CRN), resources available for use are usually very limited. This is generally because of the tight constraints by which the CRN operate. Of all the constraints, the most critical one is the level of permissible interference to the primary us أکثر
        In cognitive radio networks (CRN), resources available for use are usually very limited. This is generally because of the tight constraints by which the CRN operate. Of all the constraints, the most critical one is the level of permissible interference to the primary users (PUs). Attempts to mitigate the limiting effects of this constraint, thus achieving higher productivity is a current research focus and in this work, cooperative diversity is investigated as a promising solution for this problem. Cooperative diversity has the capability to achieve diversity gain for wireless networks. Thus, in this work, the possibility of and mechanism for achieving greater utility for the CRN when cooperative diversity is incorporated are studied carefully. To accomplish this, a resource allocation (RA) model is developed and analyzed for the heterogeneous, cooperative CRN. In the considered model, during cooperation, a best relay is selected to assist the secondary users (SUs) that have poor channel conditions. Overall, the cooperation makes it feasible for virtually all the SUs to improve their transmission rates while still causing minimal harm to the PUs. The results show a remarkable improvement in the RA performance of the CRN when cooperation is employed in contrast to when the CRN operates only by direct communication. تفاصيل المقالة
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        4 - بهبود مجموع نرخ کاربران ثانویه و بهره انرژی شبکه رادیوشناختگر با استفاده از تخصیص توان و Successive Relaying
        الهه مداح محمد لاری
        در این مقاله، یک شبکه رادیوشناختگر ارائه داده‌ایم که شامل چند کاربر ثانویه و یک کاربر اولیه است. کاربران ثانویه با روش تحت پوشش، از طیف کاربر اولیه استفاده می‌کنند. کاربر اولیه نیز دارای عملکرد Successive Relay است. در Successive Relay با استفاده از دو رله نیمه دوطرفه ب أکثر
        در این مقاله، یک شبکه رادیوشناختگر ارائه داده‌ایم که شامل چند کاربر ثانویه و یک کاربر اولیه است. کاربران ثانویه با روش تحت پوشش، از طیف کاربر اولیه استفاده می‌کنند. کاربر اولیه نیز دارای عملکرد Successive Relay است. در Successive Relay با استفاده از دو رله نیمه دوطرفه به عملکردی مشابه رله تمام دوطرفه ولی با شدت تداخل بین رله‌ای کمتر می‌رسیم که باعث بهبود بهره طیفی می‌شود. همچنین با وجود اضافه‌شدن کاربران ثانویه، برای حفظ عملکرد صحیح کاربر اولیه و افزایش مجموع نرخ کاربران ثانویه، استفاده از عملکرد Successive Relay در کاربر اولیه را مطرح کرده‌ایم. در شبکه رادیوشناختگر نیز کاربران دارای تداخل هستند که برای حذف تداخل از ایده هم‌ترازسازی تداخل بهره گرفته‌ایم. در ادامه با در نظر گرفتن یک نرخ آستانه برای کاربر اولیه، حداقل توان لازم را برای منبع و رله به منظور تضمین کیفیت سرویس‌دهی کاربر اولیه به دست آورده‌ایم. یک مسئله تخصیص توان بیشینه‌سازی نرخ مجموع کاربران ثانویه ارائه کرده‌ایم و جواب بهینه را به فرم بسته به دست آورده‌ایم. همچنین یک مسئله بیشینه‌سازی بهره انرژی شبکه را طرح کردیم که در دو مرحله و با روش حل مسایل کسری، جواب‌های بهینه را به فرم بسته به دست آوردیم. تفاصيل المقالة