• فهرس المقالات Image Segmentation

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - A Threshold-based Brain Tumour Segmentation from MR Images using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
        Katkoori Arun  Kumar Ravi  Boda
        The Pareto optimal solution is unique in single objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SO-PSO) problems as the emphasis is on the variable space of the decision. A multi-objective-based optimization technique called Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) i أکثر
        The Pareto optimal solution is unique in single objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SO-PSO) problems as the emphasis is on the variable space of the decision. A multi-objective-based optimization technique called Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) is introduced in this paper for image segmentation. The multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MO-PSO) technique extends the principle of optimization by facilitating simultaneous optimization of single objectives. It is used in solving various image processing problems like image segmentation, image enhancement, etc. This technique is used to detect the tumour of the human brain on MR images. To get the threshold, the suggested algorithm uses two fitness(objective) functions- Image entropy and Image variance. These two objective functions are distinct from each other and are simultaneously optimized to create a sequence of pareto-optimal solutions. The global best (Gbest) obtained from MO-PSO is treated as threshold. The MO-PSO technique tested on various MRI images provides its efficiency with experimental findings. In terms of “best, worst, mean, median, standard deviation” parameters, the MO-PSO technique is also contrasted with the existing Single-objective PSO (SO-PSO) technique. Experimental results show that Multi Objective-PSO is 28% advanced than SO-PSO for ‘best’ parameter with reference to image entropy function and 92% accuracy than Single Objective-PSO with reference to image variance function. تفاصيل المقالة