Security Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Networks: A Hybrid Efficient Encryption Algorithm Approach
الموضوعات :
Omid Mahdi Ebadati
Farshad Eshghi
Amin Zamani
1 - Kharazmi University
2 - Kharazmi University
3 - Kharazmi University
الکلمات المفتاحية: Wireless sensor network , Cryptography algorithm , Hybrid cryptography , Confidentiality , Integration , Authentication,
ملخص المقالة :
Wireless sensor networks are new technologies that are used for various purposes such as environmental monitoring, home security, industrial process monitoring, healthcare programs and etc. Wireless sensor networks are vulnerable to various attacks. Cryptography is one of the methods for secure transmission of information between sensors in wireless sensor networks. A complete and secure encryption system must establish three principles of confidentiality, authentication and integrity. An encryption algorithm alone cannot provide all the principles of encryption. A hybrid encryption algorithm, consisting of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms, provides complete security for a cryptographic system. The papers presented in this area over the last few years, and a new secure algorithm present with regard to the limitations of wireless sensor networks, which establishes three principles of cryptography. The details of the algorithm and basic concepts are presented in such a way that the algorithm can be operational and showed a very high efficiency in compare to the current proposed methods.
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